Projet scientifique
Axe 2 : Justice et inégalités (2016-2024)

River Restoration : Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives

Marie-Anne Germaine et Ludovic Drapier publient avec Laurent Lespez et Beth Styler-Barry un chapitre dans l’ouvrage "River Restoration : Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives » publié en 2022 chez Wiley " et coordonné par B. Morandi, M. Cottet et H. Piégay. Ce chapitre s’intitule "How to better involve stakeholders in river restoration projects : the case of small dam removals. Son résumé est fourni ci-dessous.

The removal of transversal barriers (like mill weirs or dams) represents one of the most emblematic operations of river ecological restoration. Born in North America in 1990’s, dam removal has become a major tool to achieve the good ecological status of water reclaimed by the Water Framework Directive in France. Obstacles suppressions are also the most conflictual and controversial restoration operations. Its promotion encounters strong resistances from local communities. And, the relevance of dam removal is largely debated in occidental countries. The aim of this chapter is to inventory all stakeholders involved in these operations (those who promote dam removal, those who are opposed, those who manage the project and those who finance) and to precise their status (expert, institutional actor, elective, owner…) and the way they participate to the debate. More precisely, the objective is to analyze how the concertation success, and more generally dam removal project achievement, depends on the organization of the debate between these stakeholders. The aim is to highlight power relations between stakeholders and to identify how each actor category build his legitimacy and influence. We identify elements used by actors to take action from two case studies chosen in different cultural and regulatory contexts (northwestern France and north-east of the US Atlantic coast) : Those could be specific skills, technical or scientific vocabulary, law, finances ….

Le résumé de l’ouvrage est disponible sur lesite de l’éditeur.